Saturday, October 04, 2008

Labor Day Part II

Only a month later, right? Quick wrap-up, then, so I can talk about how it's only ONE WEEK to the marathon, holy craparoondog.

SO, after I saw the Washington Memorial, I walked down the Mall to the new World War II Memorial.

Up at the entrances are sections of bas-relief showing scenes from the war, from men signing up to battles in the Pacific and Europe. This one shows D-Day.

It was nice to get to go see this new (to me) memorial. It was really beautiful, but extremely loud. There are a gazillion fountains all over the place, and the rushing water is noisy.

I continued the walk down to the Lincoln Memorial. I checked out the punctuation on the Gettysburg, but the guy who carved it into stone was rather lazy--no commas.

The I walked back around town for a while, catching some wildlife:

And some Smithsonians:

And got to see a rather hilarious (to me, at least) depiction of the grand circle of life:

Are you as tired as I was? I grabbed some dinner, then saw the Willard Hotel where President Grant would hang out and talk to the "lobbyists," and walked by Ford's Theater.

It was a full day, and I loved it. My feet were killing me, but I had a great time.

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