Wednesday, May 14, 2008


So the first day running after a bit of a break is great. My legs are all, "Oh hey, this is nice. We can totally pull off a couple miles. Whee!" Today, the day after the first run after a break, they were all, "Hey. We did this yesterday. Whatever, I'm done. What? Two more? No." Rude legs.

Reluctant Runner's Surprising Song of the Day: Tear Stained Letter, Johnny Cash

But, day two of Project Wake Up was a success. And it proves itself worthwhile, as I can now go straight over to a friend's to help her pack. I'm getting paid in Leona's Italian food, hoorah.

Please check out these shirts. They are beyond the description "hysterical" and right on into "incomprehensible." Keep an eye out for the "Dracula style grillz" though. Also, darn tootin' Lassie loves me. It's because I give her bacon. (Found, insanely, by searching for something by one of our authors. I heart Carlos Moore, indeed. I really do.)

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